Sabtu, 02 April 2016

I was able to get this baby on sale for only 101.91 plus tax!

How you ask me?

Well, Amazon had them on sale for $239.99, and then there is a rebate of $30. PLUS, when I cleaned out Barrys truck, I found a crap load of change. And I mean a lot. I took it to Coinstar where you can get free coin counting if you pick certain gift cards, and I picked an amazon one. With the change from his truck, I was able to get $108.08!!!! I also picked up a matching hand mixer in the same color for only $20. (not a KitchenAid, but the same red none the less).

I havent used it yet, but I plan on it soon. Ive been lusting after one of these for 10 years actually, and finally purchased one. I havent had a new mixer in almost 5 years, so I am so excited to use this one.

Ill let you all know how it treats me!! I need to think up a good name for it. Any ideas?

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