Thursday started off with my Mom and Oma coming for a few days from Canada, for Mothers Day and my housewarming party. And since theyre internet and computer Nazis, I wasnt able to get on here that much. Friday we got up early to bring the kids to school, as I had TWO Mothers day events that day. One was in the morning, and one was at noon. In between, I managed to drive them around the city to see the sights a bit, and we also did a quick trip to Trader Joes. Then it was off to the school again, and after that, we spent the afternoon at Costco. Saturday we were up at 7:30 and go-go-go ALL day. We didnt really settle down until almost 10 PM. We did food prep all morning, and then the party was all afternoon. However, some friends came late and didnt leave till 9:30PM. Thats perfectly ok though, we had a lot of fun with them, and drank and played scrabble.
As yesterday was Mothers Day, the kids and I did stuff together. We went out for lunch, and then did a bit of shopping. We had a really long day too, as my mothers day gift to myself was this:

In other news, with the excitement of Athena, I forgot what day it was today. Its the 10th. I even surpassed 11:11AM. 7 months ago I became a widow, and I forgot! I am shocked, guilty and relieved all at the same time. It is the first time I have forgotten. I dont even know what else to say, except Im shocked I forgot. This can only be a good thing though, as we go through the healing process. But I actually forgot! wow.
I had a rough morning yesterday without him, as we had another holiday without Barry. I cried as soon as I woke up, realizing that Ill never hear him say "Happy Mothers Day" to me anymore, Ill never get those deliveries from Pro Flowers or 1800Flowers anymore. I cried and cried at breakfast with the kids, and my mom and oma. I was better the rest of the day though, thankfully. Yes, I do have my kids which are such a gift from him...but as much as i love them, they dont replace him, it doesnt make me feel that much better. Flame me if you like for saying that, but I cant be happy just because I have the kids from him. Because they dont replace him. le sigh.
Well, time for me to be puppy mommy and put Athena outside again. I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day!
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