Jumat, 22 April 2016

I have been trying so hard to avoid buying clothes while I am in the process of losing weight. It seems like such a waste when they look loose and frumpy just a couple weeks later. Yesterday I broke down and bought a pair of jeans. Mine were getting too saggy in the butt.

I pulled a couple pairs off the clothing racks at Forever 21. I was definitely nervous when I got into the dressing room. There is nothing more discouraging than thinking you are a certain size and finding out youre actually a size larger. With a bit of hesitation, I slid my legs into the denim. They felt pretty good, but the real test was the zipper and button.

With much relief, they fit!

I am pleased to report that I have gone from a size 24 to a 14. If I am being completely honest, I think this was the size I wore when I was a sophomore... in HIGH SCHOOL.

I was also able to buy boots that fit around my huge calves. It seems like the skinnier I get, the more winter-ready my wardrobe becomes.

I hope all of you have a great weekend. Stick to your diet and you will love the changes you see in your body!

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