Heres a little tip that really helped me when I was doing the HCG Diet: successful weight loss comes from having a an incentive program set up that rewards your progress start to finish. Ive written about how to set up your incentive program in the past, so today is dedicated to sharing some unique incentive ideas to implement into your weight loss journey.
When youre setting up incentives, dont make them food related. Try to pick other stuff. A lot of people use clothes as an incentive, but that can get pricey. Try some of these suggestions:

Massage - Losing weight can be stressful, then on top of that theres work, family and friends. So take some you time to reward your efforts with a nice massage. If youre trying to stick to a budget, try looking for a massage school in your area. They usually provide pretty good massages at a discounted price!

Night of Dancing - What better way to show off your weight loss than heading to the dance floor! Take your significant other or the girls and enjoy the music and the atmosphere. Its a great way to celebrate that doesnt involve food.
New Panties - Theres just something about cute underwear that makes me feel confident. Plus, you can usually buy several cute pairs for cheaper than a pair of jeans! Even if though no one sees, wearing cute panties always makes me feel pampered.

Nail Polishes - Treat yourself to an at home manicure. Buy a new color and spend the night in with some girlfriends painting your nails. For me, building up my nail polish collection is one of my favorite rewards.
A Nap - Maybe this is just me, but I always feel guilty when I take a nap. Heaven knows there are a million other things I could be doing instead of sleeping. The older I get the more sleep becomes a luxury. If youre like me, if you go a week without cheating on your diet, reward yourself with a good, long nap. Seriously, try it. Its amazing.

Tickets to a Show - One of my favorite incentives for reaching a goal is tickets to my favorite sports team or to a play Ive been wanting to see. Most plays or sporting events give you the option to choose your price range, too. Skip the concessions stand and grab your seats to enjoy a well-deserved evening.
What are some of the incentives you give yourself to stay motivated to lose weight?
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