Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Yesterday, I completed Day 21 of my modified version of The Virgin Diet. 

  • Acne - No
  • Chronic mucus/stuffy nose - No
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea - No, not since stopping the shakes
  • Fatigue - Yes - In the afternoons on the days I work
  • Food cravings - No
  • Gas and bloating - No
  • Headaches - No
  • High blood glucose - No
  • Inability to lose weight - No - Starting weight 147.8 - Current weight 144.8 - Goal weight 136 - To get back to goal, need to lose 8.8 more pounds.  Can button "measurement shorts" with a slight "muffin top".  Weight stayed the same yesterday for a total of 3 pounds in 21 days.
  • Insomnia - No
  • Joint pain - No
  • Thinning, limp, lackluster hair - Yes
  • Muscle pain  - No
  • Nausea - No
  • Swollen fingers - No


Yesterday, I ate this:

129g fat (77%)
66g protein
21g carbs


I took a 2-mile walk after dinner.


Yesterday was the last of the 21 days of elimination.  My symptoms are improved, as you can see above.  I have lost a total of 3 pounds this past 3 weeks.  It would be fun if it was more, but Ill take it.  Today I start a week of eating eggs for four days in a row.  I have really missed eggs.  I am hoping that I dont have a resurgence of symptoms, because that will mean that I am intolerant of eggs and will only get to eat them occasionally or not at all, heaven forbid!

If you are interested in getting a short synopsis of how this plan works, you can click on the link at the beginning of this post or you can listen to Jimmy Moore interviewing JJ Virgin by clicking here.

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